Over the next few days, it's looking like more and more folks will start moving away from Twitter after all that's happening right now.
It looks like Mastodon seems to be the Twitter replacement for lots of Laravel/PHP folks. After seeing Freek's post about Laravel & PHP developers to follow on Mastodon, I thought I'd make an additional list for Statamic developers to follow on Mastodon.
If you want to be featured on this list, reply to my Tweet or post on Mastodon and I'll get you added. I know I've probably missed some people.
Joshua Blum: joshuablum@mastodon.social
Rob de Kort: robdekort@mastodon.social
Erin Dalzell: emd@mastodon.social
Dave Smyth: davesmyth@mastodon.social
Me: duncanmcclean@mastodon.social
Jack Sleight: jacksleight@mastodon.social
Ryan Mitchell: ryanmitchell@mastodon.social
David Lindahl: Austriker@mstdn.io
Marty Friedel: martyfriedel@mastodon.au
Rias Van der Veken: rias@phpc.social
ncla: ncla@mastodon.social
Johannes Schuba: joschuba@mastodon.social
Simon Schweissinger: simonolog@mstdn.social
Konafets: Konafets@norden.social
klickreflex: klickreflex@freiburg.social
There's a bunch of different Mastodon "servers" - you can signup for any of them really & you can follow people from different servers. I'm on mastodon.social (a popular one) but there's also other options like mastodon.cloud, mstdn.social and phpc.social.
Justin Jackson has written a post if you're interested in getting started with Mastodon.